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ROM002 The Tribune

ROM002  The Tribune
ROM002 The Tribune
ROM002  The Tribune
ROM002 The Tribune
ROM002  The Tribune
ROM002 The Tribune
(Click to see larger image and other views)
Released April 2017!
Status: In Stock
Price: $129.00
Product Details

Every Roman Legion was commanded by a “Legate”, he in turn was assisted by no less than six “Tribunes”. These were men usually drawn from the Rome’s upper social class. In camp and on the battlefield they were easily recognized by their more decorative and expensive armour.

Among their many duties were general administration and management of all military camps, forts and other establishments. That also included food supply, overall security and enforcing discipline as well as ordering punishments when required.

Each Tribune in turn had a number of clerical assistants to prepare reports, records and rosters.

Our K&C Mounted Tribune is the perfect companion to ROM001 “The Legate”.

Scale 1:30 / 60 mm.

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