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French & Indian Wars

Browse these categories under "French & Indian Wars"

Battle of Fort Carillon
The Battle of Fort Carillon, Ticonderoga was fought on July 8, 1758. By John Jenkins.
Battle of the Plains of Abraham
The Battle of the Plains of Abraham was a pivotal battle in the North American theatre of the Seven Years' War, known in the United States as the French and Indian War. From the John Jenkins - Eighteenth Century Collection.
Battle on Snowshoes
On March 13th 1758 a small battle took place in the wilderness of north America. The men on the British side were primarily native born settlers from New England led by Robert Rogers, and on the French side native born Canadians and their native Indian allies of New France led by the French partisan Langy. It was to be a clear cut victory for the French and Indians and resulted in the almost total annihilation of the best of the newly formed English Rangers. Only darkness was to save Rogers and the remnants of his force. From the John Jenkins Collection.
Braddock's Defeat
Battle of Monongahela, 1755 also known as Braddock's Defeat. On 9th July 1755 amid the wilderness of North America, Britain suffered one of the most humiliating defeats in her history. From the John Jenkins - Eighteenth Century Collection.
JJ Collectors Club
John Jenkins Collectors Club.
Raid on St. Francis
The Raid on St. Francis, 1759. Of all the episodes embraced within Robert Roger’s chequered career, none gained him greater fame than his 1759 raid upon the Abenaki village of St. Francis. From the John Jenkins Collection.
Royal Americans
The Royal Americans were formed in 1756 after Braddocks defeat and were specifically formed with a view to fighting in the Americas and Canada.