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BR62133 Brandr Viking Attacking with Sword and Axe

BR62133  Brandr Viking Attacking with Sword and Axe
BR62133 Brandr Viking Attacking with Sword and Axe
SKU: BR62133
Released August 2020!
Status: Temporarily Out of Stock, Preorder Now
Price: $49.00
Product Details

In Old Norse, the term Viking does not appear to be employed for any people or culture. However, in the 9th century the word "wicing" appeared in an Anglo Saxon poem Widsith, and the term generally referred to Scandinavian Raiders.


In modern English this term has evolved into Viking, describing the Nordic seafaring people who explored, traded and raided from their Northern European homelands during the late 8th to the late 11th centuries.


Scale 1:30 / 60mm

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