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This collection features figures with a matte connoisseur finish with historically accurate, action oriented sculpting.
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Though there was no official truce, roughly 100,000 British and German troops were involved in unofficial cessations of fighting along the length of the Western Front during Christmas of 1914. In the early months of static trench warfare during World War I, opposing infantry units in close proximity to each other often developed an attitude of "live and let live." In some cases, overtly aggressive behavior ceased and troops participated in small-scale fraternization, engaging in conversation or bartering for cigarettes.
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Battle of the Somme - Updated March 1, 2019!
The W. Britain World War I collection takes a dramatic leap forward from 1914, where we have concentrated the last three years. British infantry from the Somme appear in some classic poses, soon to be joined by more reinforcements from both sides.
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